Mike Waters: Life EP

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Mike Waters: Life EP

Mike Waters has been a slave to the corporate world. Putting on a suit and tie and going to work for the man, he has finally released his debut EP entitled Life. Written while Waters was sitting around in his bedroom, nobody was aware of the talent that this guy has. Having played shows with Jay Brannan and Lewis Watson, I highly suggest that you check this guy out. He’s like Passenger and really follows the singer songwriter format, however that said, this is simplistic pop music that is certain to put a smile on your face. Hot summer afternoons with a drink by the pool is the scenario that comes to mind as I listen to the opening track ‘Daisy’.
Produced by John Castle, who has worked with the likes of Megan Washington, Vance Joy and just finished working on Josh Pyke’s new record, it’s quite surprising that we haven’t heard from Mike Waters before. ‘Gambling Man’ is another highlight on this EP and something that you should definitely get around. Having played on 774 and Channel 31, it’s only a matter of time before Mike Waters is a household name in the Australian acoustic scene. His songs are blowing up and you want to be one of the first to say you knew him before he was big right?
Acoustic pop at it’s best, make Life a space in your record collection because his song ‘Gambling Man’ will be in your head for days.
Out now via independent release
Reviewed by Tex Miller
