Everyone remembers the Vasco Era right? Sid and Ted O’Neil, brothers from Apollo Bay teamed up with their mate Michael Fitzgerald and took on the world playing ballsy rock n’ roll. Now in 2017, two thirds of the Vasco Era have combined forces on their new band Localles, who have just released an EP titled Not A Contender. On the opening track ‘JFK’, some funky Rhodes electric piano beats along with drums to create an infectious groove that opens to a big sonic space in the chorus, before condensing back for the verse. It’s a little grungy rock and roll which will bring you back to your teenage years in the mosh pit.
‘Going Home’ sounds like standing on the beach, looking out towards the distance and seeing the shoreline stretch on forever. Wistful electric guitar chords transpire in the chorus and are complemented by catchy vocal melodies. There are two counteractive sounds in play on this release, one – the grungy rock pub vibes and two – reverb drenched and soaring guitar lines that are present in the track ‘Coat of Religion’.
Time passes and bands break up, but Localles is a strong new project for Ted O’Neil and Michael Fitzgerald. Not A Contender is an EP that features ebbs and flows of emotion, as well as some good pub rock.
Reviewed by Tex Miller