Instead of milking cows at their family’s business, Tara and Justin Anderson have paired up with schoolmate Daniel Gilligan to create some super smooth tunes. While no one can recreate the sounds of Nirvana, in LINCH’s debut release there’s an obvious inspiration from the grunge band. We had a chat with them days after their new release about their career in the industry so far.
Hi, thanks for taking the time to chat with Forte, how are you and what are you up to at the moment?
Good thanks! We have been working on new material as well as rehearsing for upcoming gigs. We have had some really exciting things happening such as being played on the radio in Perth and Brisbane as well as building a fan base on Facebook and Instagram.
So your debut, LUGUBRIOUS, has only been out for a little while now, are you pretty happy with how the album turned out?
We are extremely happy with how it turned out! Being able to listen to the finished product after all the hard work that was put into it is really exhilarating. We are even more thrilled that people like it and that we have had such a positive response.
And how was the whole writing, recording and production process for you?
It definitely was a new experience that was exciting, tiring and insightful all at the same time. We learnt a lot from the making of our first album and working with Adam Rhodes, that we can use to develop our music further. We also had the opportunity to go to Sing Sing studio in Melbourne to record two of the songs on the album, which was another experience that allowed us to work with some great producers.
Do you think it helps at all being siblings during the recording and performing process?
Not really, it just gives us more of an excuse to fight about things because we are siblings haha!
How do your parents feel that you’re pursuing music instead of working on the dairy farm? Was that ever an option for you?
Our parents are really supportive of our music because they themselves have always been involved in it. Our parents would rather us chase our dreams if that’s what we want, but if we suddenly decided that it wasn’t for us than there is always a spot for us on the farm if we want it.
Supporting Dead Letter Circus and Children Collide must have been pretty incredible, how was that experience?
We were excited to be playing with recognised bands for the first time and it was a great opportunity to learn from their live performance while we were just starting out.
Now that they’re ticked off your list, who else would you love to support on tour?
It would be a shorter list to say who we wouldn’t play with, but to name a few it would have to be The Vines, Muse, Royal Blood and Tool.
We’ve heard that Nirvana, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Silverchair are among the bands you grew up admiring, what is it you love about them?
We love the raw emotion that is tied to their music and their songs are written around issues that we can relate to. Plus their melodies and riffs are extremely contagious.
Given you’ve just released a debut, what’s next for Linch in 2015?
We have a lot planned for next year! We are looking to secure more radio plays overseas as well as getting more gigs around the Melbourne area. We will be writing more songs as well as possibly bringing out our first music video.
Thanks again for having the chat with us, is there anything you’d like to add before we finish up?
We would also like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to be in Forte magazine and we would really appreciate if people would check out our album on iTunes and take the time to look at our website.
Release: LUGUBRIOUS out now at all good retailers.