Is there anything as magnificent as ’80s music? I can think of maybe two things, three tops. Absolutely ’80s is a fluro-coloured ’80s get-together of some of Australia’s finest. It’s a place where you knock back drinks like the Cosmopolitan, Fuzzy Navel and Kamikaze. It’s a place where Pudding Pops are on the menu. It’s a place called Wandin Valley. But most of all, it’s a place where names including Brian Mannix (Uncanny X-Men), Scott Carne (Kids in the Kitchen) and Dale Ryder (Boom Crash Opera) are kings once again. Going as strong as they ever have, these three gents have a date lined up at the Barwon Heads Hotel, Barwon Heads on December 27. Head on down and share in some post-Christmas cheer.