Travel Vaccinations
Whilst I am aware there isn’t a vaccination or cure for Ebola, in light of the outbreak bringing to light a very real health scare that is affecting people worldwide, I thought I would do a write up of vaccinations people should expect to get before embarking to popular destinations. Whether you’re traveling for the first time, or to an obscure destination, it’s always best to check with your doctor or travel agent as to whether you should get some vaccinations to stop any pesky virus from ruining your trip!
The Run of the Mill
Bali: Whilst you don’t necessarily have to go and have any vaccinations before heading to the ever popular Bali, people who haven’t been before have surely heard about countless people getting sick with ‘Bali belly’ and the likes. Regardless you should always make sure your basic vaccinations – like Tetanus and Diphtheria – are up to date. The biggest problem with falling sick in Bali is the poor hygiene standards; so only drink bottled water (generally provided fresh and free each day in your hotel), steer clear of dodgy street food and take a strong insect repellent. As tasty as Mi Goreng is at 1am from the nice man on the street after a trip to the Bounty Nightclub, it’ll be hard distinguishing between hangover and food poisoning the next morning!
Thailand: Another very popular destination and you should follow the same advice as Bali with extra caution being taken with insect repellent as Malaria is more prevalent.
Fiji: Same as Thailand and Bali, again with extra care taken with mosquitoes and insect repellent due to outbreaks of Dengue Fever.
A Little Further a Field
Peru: Extra caution should be taken again with both Malaria and Dengue Fever. You can consult with your doctor and begin to take Malaria tablets prior to travel. I have been told they can make you feel a little under the weather, and give you some pretty crazy hallucinogenic like dreams! If you’re trekking, medication can be taken to help speed up the acclimatisation process. Yellow Fever injection should also be taken prior to travel, especially if continuing your travel through South America. You can get all of these at your GP or travel vaccination specialist.
Eastern Europe: Not to be confused with the ‘more’ travelled Western Europe – which generally needs no extra vaccination – Eastern Europe can require a little more preparation due to years of neglect in the health system and water supply. Vaccinations to consider taking are the Influenza shot, especially when travelling in the colder months; Hepatitis A is becoming less common, but still a problem; Diarrhoeal outbreak is very common, so take caution with food, water and general hygiene, and make sure to carry some sort of ‘Diarrhea Stop’ medication with you for emergencies!
Tanzania: A common place to travel especially for people who want to climb Mt Kilimanjaro. Malaria tablets should definitely be taken prior and during your travels. Some exotic tropical diseases don’t usually cause too many problems but you should consult your doctor prior to travel to discuss these. Yellow Fever medication should always be taken when travelling through the Americas (mainly South and Latin) or Africa. And lastly…
Japan: Since 2007 an outbreak of measles has been found in Japan and you should always be vaccinated against this. Also the World Health Organisation has confirmed deaths from Avian Influenza through an outbreak in birds in the region. Travellers heading to Tokyo for a short period of time should be fine, but again always consult with your doctor.
Always speak to your doctor before heading away if you’re not sure, and your travel agent can also recommend the best travel vaccination experts in the area!
By Madelin Baldwin