The past few years has seen a real shift in the focus of men’s fashion. In the past what may have been an audience that was overlooked in major retailers, independent businesses are emerging to create their own wares, and the trend has trickled into big name brands as well. What we’re talking about is the rise of minimalist, but high quality, men’s fashion items. Most notably, the branded tee but executed to levels never seen before.
“Streetwear at the moment isn’t just minimalist – it’s evolving in different ways at different times,” Matt Black from Dead President Society says.
“We are seeing plain colours such as blacks and whites dominating by themselves but then throwing a back print on the tee is creating another level of streetwear. Minimalism is about clean lines and its versatility – exactly what we are seeing today.”
Dead President Society is a brand Geelong locals will be well familiar with, for their iconic logos emblazoned on the backs of skaters, surfers and average Joes across the region. As their site suggests, it’s all about making “threads for lads, made on the streets”. Luckily for DPS, getting ahead of the rise of independent businesses meant they were able to establish themselves.
“I was really fortunate to start the business in a time where home run streetwear labels didn’t exist as much as they do now,” Matt says.
“Essentially we got a jump on the market and have rode that momentum ever since. As with any business you have easy times and hard times, but you just need to enjoy what you are doing at all times to keep the brand going forward.”
Part of these independent label’s successes is the community they’ve managed to create around the brand. Dank Crab Apparel is another such Geelong brand who have an emphasis more on the supporters than the label itself, with parties held for supporters of the brand each year. To put simply, by purchasing a tee you get yourself entry to a party full of like-minded (and stylishly dressed) individuals. DPS also have a similar ethos – just minus the party.
“When I started DPS we wanted to create a community or society in fact that people wore and continued to wear as the brand developed,” Matt adds.
Beyond the items being available just for men, women are also donning the oversized tees, strapping on a pair of Converse and hitting the streets. Matt says of the matter they don’t design to fit a certain gender or age, they simply make clothes with a great design.
Either way, there’s a reason you’re seeing everyone wearing these items. If you’re not part of the community, it’s time you joined it. Just think of the parties!
Other labels to look out for: Wtwrth Supply Co made in Geelong and The People Vs.
Dank Crab Fashion Tip: When people say you can’t incorporate a good pair of Asics Gel Trainers into a smart casual outfit, think again sweetie.
Written by Amanda Sherring