It’s On For Con

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It’s On For Con

✨️ It’s On For Con! ONE NIGHT ONLY Benefit Concert!✨️

The Melbourne music community are banding together FRI AUGUST 25TH at The Sooki Lounge with some of Melbourne’s finest rockers for Con & his family.

Featuring: Palace Of The King, TRUCK featuring Dave Leslie (Baby Animals & The Black Skeleton), Rusty Brown (Electric Mary), STONETRIP with special guest Spyda (Electric Mary) on drums, Shotgun Mistress, Bottle of Smoke, Rick Van Der Meer (The Vendettas), David Jones (Jason Singh), and The Dreadful Tides!

Con’s rare form of Kidney Cancer has been a huge shock! He’s had the major surgery BUT still has an extensive recovery journey ahead. Con is the engine room in Stonetrip. Music is in his blood, he is an amazing human being and he & his family needs your help.

Please, Grab your tix and enjoy a great night of Rock N Roll, fun and raising funds.

*All ticket sales / merchandise will be donated to Con and his family. $10.00 of each ticket purchased, will be donated to Con’s family cancer foundation choice supporting ‘ Kids With Cancer Foundation Australia to help children with Wilm’s Kidney Cancer and their families.