This year’s title and theme has used a word-play on Geelong’s current mayor’s name, but is a celebration of the diversity and vitality of Geelong and its surrounding region.
Expect to see sculpture in a variety of mediums expressing this theme in a number of literal and lateral ways. Mediums included in past years exhibitions have been: steel, timber, stone, glass, bronze, ceramic, mosaic, found objects, paper, textile and more.
Geelong Sculptors inc. has been together since 2001. The group’s main aim is to encourage and promote sculpture in every medium and sculptors at all levels. This year the group also created a new promotional brochure which included around 30 members of its growing group.
WHERE: City Hall, Gheringhap Street, Geelong.
WHEN: Until end October.
INFO: contact Cinnamon on 0400 436 308.