Before stopping by the regional dates of their Victoria tour, Oscar Dawon of Holy Holy had a quick chat about the things he needs when heading out of the CBD.
1. Shitloads of undies. Not undies with shit in them. Just shitloads of them.
2. 3.5mm jack to 3.5 mm jack.
3. Paracetamol and melatonin (to help forget).
4. Podcasts; I have been listening to Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History lately. The episodes go for friggin’ hours but I never finish them because I’m asleep within the first five minutes.
5. A slightly broader accent and some prepared banter about the football/cricket.
Holy Holy stop by Workers Club in Geelong on Saturday, November 12 and Karova Lounge in Ballarat on Sunday, November 13. Visit their Facebook page for more details.