Enthralling indie pop outfit from Norway, Highasakite, are killing it right now with their endless sound, three massive albums, tours alongside Of Monsters and Men, and performing at festivals all over the world. We chat to the idiosyncratic vocalist Ingrid Helene Håvik.
Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to chat with Forte Magazine, how are you and what are you up to at the moment?
It’s summer in Oslo and I’m in bed, because I’m a bit sick. Tomorrow I’m going to a wedding with Marte, Kristoffer and Trond.
You’re currently in the throws of the European festival season, how have all the performances been so far, any highlights?
It’s been so much fun and it’s difficult to pick one highlight. But I would have to pick Roskilde Festival in Denmark. There were so many people and flags. Roskilde is just the coolest place to be.
It seems Scandinavian music is becoming increasingly popular around the globe, especially with artists like yourself, Of Monsters and Men and Asgeir, what do you think it is that’s all of sudden clicked with the rest of the world in appreciating it?
I’m not really sure. I know there are a lot of talented artists in Scandinavia, and that high living standards often gives them the freedom to explore music and art, and not just do the necessary things to survive.
As you guys began as a collaboration between Ingrid and Trond before expanding, how did you guys evolve with each addition creatively?
Our sound and setup has definitely evolved over the years, and I think the new album Camp Echo is a lot more extreme than what we’ve done before. I used synthesizers and logic when I was writing the demos, and had more options and opinions on how I wanted the songs to sound. Some of our earlier music was based around piano and zither harp, but it made sense to use more synthesizer on this album because we have two amazing synth players and it would be a shame not to use their abilities.
We know that you love to recreate the band sound with each release, with your sophomore record Silent Treatment sporting themes of spacious folk tones while your recent record is in favour of heavier electronic styling and darker characteristics. How are things shaping up for the follow up to Camp Echo? And why the notion for change?
It’s because I constantly discover new music, and I think it’s more true to try to make music that I would like to listen to myself, and not be limited by what I used to make. We’re working on some new ideas at the moment, but it’s still very early to say how it will turn out.
You’re no stranger to the festival scene and you’ve been announced as one of the artists performing at Beyond The Valley in Australia. What are your thoughts on the Australian festival scene?
I love it! It’s the best place to tour ever. It’s warm, beautiful, and the food is great. People are so loving and fun to play for.
At that festival you’ll no doubt be glamping (glamour camping), are you much of a camper?
I will?! I don’t think I have ever been camping before. I’m not a big fan. But I trust it will be fun doing it with Highasakite.
That’s also a New Year’s festival, when you’re not performing, how would you normally bring in the New Year?
I’m so ready to be working on New Years Eve. I always hated that day, because I feel like there is too much expectation. And Norway is freezing in December and January. And often wet… with sloppy snow… and high heels. I always fall down and spill my whiskey glass.
When & Where: Beyond The Valley, Lardner Park – 28 December 2016 -1 January 2017