Victoria has reached the 70 per cent double dose COVID-19 vaccination target of those aged 16+ fully vaccinated. Here's everything you need to know.
Victoria has recorded 2,232 new local cases of COVID-19 and 12 deaths as the state hits its 70 per cent vaccination target.
There are now 22,889 active cases of the virus in Victoria, and 187 people have died during the current Delta outbreak. The new cases were identified from 79,544 test results received yesterday. There were 37,824 doses of vaccine administered at state-run sites, and more vaccinations at GP clinics and other venues.
In good news, Victoria has passed the 70 per cent full-vaccination milestone that will officially trigger the end of the state’s COVID-19 lockdown at 11:59pm tonight, with a raft of changes coming into effect as per the state’s road map.
With so many changes coming in, and different changes between regional Victoria and Melbourne, it can be confusing to know what’s actually going on. We’ve tried to make it a little easier for you all.
Here’s what’s changing in Regional Victoria:
Vaccination status
For a lot of the following sectors, patrons are required to provide verified proof of double covid vaccination to be permitted entry into venues. At this stage, you will also not be permitted entry if you reside in Metro Melbourne.
So when you go to a venue, hosts, staff and business owners will be checking your vax certificate linked to the Service Victoria app (or a valid medical certificate), along with your photo ID when you scan in. It is a really simple process, and it is in place to ensure that local businesses are allowed to keep our doors open, as well as ensure a safe and healthy environment for their patrons and crew.
To find out how to get your vaccine passport on your phone, check out our handy guide here.
Leaving home
There is no restrictions on leaving your home and there is no curfew.
Travelling to Melbourne
Regional Victorians cannot travel into metro Melbourne, unless a work permit is presented. Likewise, Melburnians cannot travel to regional Victoria.
As for interstate, fully vaccinated Victorian residents can return from interstate if they test negative to covid-19 before entry.
Social gatherings
People will be allowed to have ten visitors to their home each day, including their dependents. Previously people were not allowed to have anyone over. Vaccination among guests is strongly recommended.
Gatherings outside will change from 10 people to 20 if all are fully vaccinated. If vaccination status unknown limits are unchanged from previous settings (up to 10 people).
Masks must still be worn inside and outside for all Victorians.
Hospitality (cafes, pubs, clubs)
Indoor settings like restaurants, cafes, pubs and clubs will able to increase caps from 10 to 30 fully vaccinated people per venue, with one person per four square metres.
Outdoor venues can raise caps from 20 up to 100 vaccinated people per venue, but only if everyone is fully vaccinated and at a density of one person per two square metres. If the vaccination status is unknown, the venue can only have a total of 20 people.
This is all for seated service only.
Businesses in regional Victoria must conduct a ID check to ensure that patrons attending do not reside in metropolitan Melbourne.
Food courts
Food courts will continue operating as takeaway only. Masks can’t be removed at this time.
Retail can open with one person per four square metres. Masks cannot be removed when shopping.
Hair and Beauty
Hair and beauty services can open to 30 fully vaccinated people indoors at a density of one person per four square metres. Masks are able to be removed for service.
If unknown vaccination status, no change from previous settings.
In home services are allowed with separate entry/exit at a density of one person per four square metres.
Community facilities and creative studios
For fully vaccinated people, these facilities can open to 30 people indoors with one person per four square metres and 100 fully vaccinated people outdoors at a density of one person per two square metres.
Real Estate
Real estate can have up to 30 fully vaccinated people indoors with one person per four square metres and 100 fully vaccinated people outdoors at a density of one person per two square metres.
Entertainment venues
Entertainment venues and amusement parks are open indoors to 30 fully vaccinated people and for 300 people outdoors per space at a density of one person per two square metres.
Drive in cinemas are open, with hospitality limits applying.
Arcades, escape rooms and bingo are open to 30 fully vaccinated people indoors with one person per four square metres and 100 fully vaccinated people outdoors at a density of one person per two square metres.
Electronic gaming is open for seated service only to 30 fully vaccinated people indoors with one person per four square metres.
Schools and childcare
In good news for parents across the region, all school students can return onsite for full-time learning from this date.
Childcare is Open. In-home childminding is allowed if carers are from regional Victoria.
Adult education
All adults studying must learn from home. Onsite skills-based learning and exams will proceed.
If you can work from home you must. Capacity limit of 25% or 10 people for offices (whichever is greater) at a density of one person per four square metres.
Weddings, religious services and funerals
Funerals, religious services and weddings are allowed for 30 fully vaccinated people indoors with one person per four square metres and 100 fully vaccinated outdoors at a density of one person per two square metres.
Gyms, sport and recreation
Gyms follows the indoor settings placed on restaurants and cafes and will be able to increase caps from 10 to 30 fully vaccinated people per venue, with one person per four square metres.
100 fully vaccinated people can train outdoors at a density of one person per two square metres.
Community sport returns indoors for the minimum number required, outside training with minimum required to train. Public gathering limits apply.
Accommodation will be open to people from a household, plus up to 10 people.
Tours are open to 30 fully vaccinated people for walking, cycling and tour buses.
Hospitals and Care Visitors
No change from previous. You must check with individual health care providers.
Pools are open to 30 fully vaccinated people indoors with one person per four square metres and 100 fully vaccinated outdoors at a density of one person per two square metres.
What happens when Victoria hits the 80 per cent double dose target?
Premier Daniel Andrews said on Sunday Victoria is likely to hit the 80 per cent milestone during the first week of November.
“We are predicting that we will be able to get to 80 per cent double dose on or about Melbourne Cup Day. It could even be a few days before than,” he said.
At this point, Melbourne and regional Victoria will come together under the same rules, according to the original roadmap. The number of vaccinated people allowed to the home will remain at 10 while the number of vaccinated people allowed to gather outside will rise to 30.
Indoor community sport can open for all with minimal numbers, while masks will only be required inside.
Pubs, restaurants and cafes can open for seated service only, with up to 150 fully vaccinated people inside and 500 outdoors.
Weddings, funerals, and religious services can also host 150 fully vaccinated people indoors, and 500 outdoors.
For more info, visit the Coronavirus website.