Hardcore stalwarts Speed select all or nothing on new album Only One Mode

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Hardcore stalwarts Speed select all or nothing on new album Only One Mode

Image Credit: James Hartley
Words by Alex Callan

Speed and hardcore are two words that have become synonymous on a global scale. Their new album Only One Mode is a shining example of their reign.

Without a shadow of doubt, Speed stands out as the most hyped hardcore act that Australia has ever seen. Not only have the Sydney-based outfit managed to forge a stranglehold on the hardcore community both at home and abroad, their rapidly growing reputation and constantly sold out merch lines have also led to the group infiltrating pop culture in ways that no underground heavy outfit ever has before. 

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Honestly, you can almost envision Speed in the Guinness World Records for ‘accomplishments that are unheard of among underground hardcore bands.’

Endorsements with Vans, Carhartt and Foot Locker, mainstream media attention, fans in the form of Post Malone, Travis Barker and Shaquille O’Neal – it’s a newfound level of success previously unattainable for groups who cut their teeth on the aggressive, anti-commercialism tones of Trapped Under Ice, Judge and Terror. Especially when it’s considered that all of this acclaim has come before the group even released a full-length album.

Although, the praise couldn’t be more deserved. The group delivers one of the most original and refreshing takes on hardcore since its origins in the 80’s and 90’s, and that’s only part of Speed’s charm, with a large portion of the group’s widespread appeal coming from the authentic push for inclusivity and acceptance so prevalent in both their music and group as a whole. If you’ve ever seen the group live, you’ll know what I’m talking about – every single show sees an entourage of friends so large it could rival Wu Tang’s posse, jumping on stage to perform guest vocal duties. Because to Speed, everyone succeeds or no one does. 

It’s this kind of inclusivity that defines the group’s entire philosophy: hardcore is for everyone. 

Even still, it feels surreal seeing ripped muscle-head’s belting out the most aggressive music you’ve ever heard while screaming lyrics like ‘When you show love, you get love back’ and ‘Life is ugly and beautiful, with nowhere to hide, find peace being truthful.’

But that’s Speed, they thrive on pushing both musical barriers and personal views. Songs like ‘Only Foes’ deliver spiteful commentaries on the ingrained racism embedded within Australian culture, profoundly stating “Cursed to wander, with stories untold, fuck feeling foreign in my own home,” while ‘I Mean It and ‘Shut It Down’  (which FINALLY sees a re-recording of it’s 2019 demo) chronicle sleighting views of society and the struggle Australians face as a result of policy makers. If they’ve got something to say, they don’t shy away from it.

Which ultimately ties in with what Only One Mode truly is: a statement. 

As one of the most anticipated debut albums in Australian heavy music history, Only One Mode’s lead single, ‘The First Test’, couldn’t have been more aptly named. This was Speed’s first test, and they have well and truly risen to the challenge, delivering one of the most authentic, forward-thinking, and refreshing releases in modern hardcore.

Label: Last Ride & Flatspot Records

Release Date: Out today, Friday 12 July

Listen to Only One Mode by Speed here.