The Gateways Film Festival of Amazing Shorts, or the GAFFAS as its more commonly known, have officially been launched by Gateways Support Services with famous Geelong actor, Guy Pearce, generously putting his support behind the initiative.
The GAFFAS essentially highlights the positive contributions that people with disabilities make to their families and the community. Guy Pearce, most famously known for his roles on Memento and Iron Man 3, strongly encourages local film makers to enter the competition.
“I’m very excited about the launch of GAFFAS!” Pearce says.
“This is a real chance for budding film makers to express their talents through a short film, showing us the many facets of life for people with disabilities. It’s an opportunity to celebrate diversity as well as perhaps highlight some of the hurdles faced in everyday life. Films can be fun, moody, educational, inspirational – anything you want really. So get your cameras rolling and let’s see what you’ve got.”
The contest isn’t just for those who are well-skilled in the art of film making, it can also be a chance for those who may be picking up the camera for the first time.
“Over the years we have met many amazing people with stories of courage, humour, determination, self-belief, joy and friendship. This is a chance for their stories to be told and I can’t wait to see them up on the big screen,” Gateways Support Services CEO, Rosemary Malone says.
“There are some great cash prizes for the winning films, so I encourage you to grab your camera and take up the challenge.”
All it takes really is to have a passion for film and the desire to share an untold story that showcases the achievements of those with a disability in the community. Entries close on November 6 with first prize winning $1000 and second prize $500. To enter or to find out more information visit the website (