So it’s Christmas time, and in between stuffing your face with cold meets and unwrapping presents, it’s time you headed out and listened to some sweet local music. After all, there’s only so many times you can listen to Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want for Christmas’.
Thursday, December 19 – Holiday-mode has set in
Let’s not beat around the bush, you’ve mentally checked out. You’ve already written your out-of-office email, you’ve daydreaming about what you’re doing for New Years, and your phone is going straight to voicemail. So, with the work-year basically over, why not kick-off the celebrations a little early. No one’s going to care that you’re a little dusty on your last day of work, right? Lambys has your back and is hosting three acts to jump-start your silly season. Geelong regular Andy Forster will bring his solo acoustic set to the tavern’s back bar, Refinery are taking on the stage downstairs, and DJ Jo Jo will DJ upstairs playing tracks you love, with his own twist.
Friday, December 20 – Works done and dusted, time to party
It’s your last day of work before Christmas! As the nation packs in one last day of work before a few weeks (or days) off, come knock-off everyone will be ready for a cold one! To celebrate the time we’ve all been dreaming of, Lambys promises to keep the ball rolling as we wash away the work year. Melbourne’s Adam 12 kick off with their cover set, while talented multi-instrumentalist and lively entertainer Troy Barrett will be providing an acoustic set in the back. Later, DJ Jo Jo and DJ Joubin are set to bring the beats well into the night.
Saturday, December 21 – Saturday night out!
What better way to continue the party on Saturday night than with Night #3 of the Christmas Marathon. ‘The Voice’ contestant and ‘Wasabi’ singer Lee Harding will join Bedrock for their show, while DJ Joubin will provide some tunes before Liam Blackwell once again takes to the upstairs stage. If you’re keen to just chill out with a Mario Kart to some acoustic goodness, much-loved Geelong muso Luke Biscan has you covered with his incredible live energy and virtuoso guitar skills.
Sunday, December 22 – Squeeze the last bit of juice out of the weekend
By now, the works-out celebrations have begun to subside and many of us will be faced with a tough choice: continue the party, or suffer the hangover? For those brave enough to continue to Night #4, Lambys will be closing their spectacular Christmas Marathon with local singer-songwriter Andy Forster, before resident DJ’s Joubin and Prank closes the marathon with their renowned DJ sets.
Doors swing open at 9pm. Purchase a Marathon Pass to receive cheaper entry for the whole long weekend, or buy an Entry Card on Thursday to get in for free for the whole marathon!
Merry bloody Christmas!