Darkly seductive the debut album from George Kalpa, Mode, is smooth and complex. It’s an album that takes you on a journey, as every track seems to have the power to change the mood you’re in. Throughout the album, George Kalpa takes you down dark city allies, across country fields and into saloons of an old black and white western film. Kalpa, already an award winning filmmaker, is now bringing his love of music and film together on this album with the film clip ‘Leave That Street’ which is a true masterpiece and certainly worth taking a look at.
Opening track ‘Brightside’ features a mix of gritty and bluesy vocals, underneath a moody mellow guitar. Track three, ‘KSDB’ is an absolute stand out on the album and has a real Nick Cave vibe about it, story telling through the music and lyrics. ‘Rita’s Song’, features a country sound and this plays host to poetic, and hypnotically melancholy lyrics.
From the sax, to the harmonica to the stunning female vocals on ‘Route 395’, Mode features such a vast variety of sounds that it’s hard to sum it up in only a few words, but any artist that can successfully mix the sax with minimalistic electronic sounds has my tick of approval.
This album deserves to be listened to and enjoyed. Hopefully we see even more from George Kalpa in the future.
By Montana Agustin