Emerging Artists Geelong is a group ran by the Geelong Arts Society which focuses on hosting workshops, exhibitions and educating others on art for emerging artists each year. Forté chat to mentor artist Dare Tekin about the program and the upcoming exhibition ‘Anthropoid’.
Hey, thanks for taking the time to chat with Forte Magazine, how are you and what are you up to at the moment?
Hi thanks for taking the time to chat with us again. It’s been a busy time for all especially with the end of the year fast approaching.
Now in its 4th year of encouraging, educating and empowering emerging artists in their craft, has the program changed in any way this year?
Still working with a small group of young local artists, this year has really seen the community embrace the program, taking it to that next level in conjunction with the Art Society, Deakin, local artists and little creatures all showing their support.
Student Artwork by Pascalle Bailey
You guys have the upcoming Anthropoid Show coming up soon, can you tell us a little bit about that?
‘Anthropoid’ is a group exhibition put together by six local emerging artists who finished VCE last year. Anabelle Stonehouse, Jack Grayson, Pascalle Bailey, Nay Bu Soe Htoo, Paris Smith and Kirraley Hardiman, have worked individually to investigate the human form. Each focusing on their own practice, you can expect to see a variety of works on show, using differing techniques and imagery, both two and three dimensional, real and imagined.
Student Artwork by Paris Smith
What sort of work was entailed in the lead up, do the artists have complete creative control over the exhibition and how long has this been in process?
The group has had to juggle work/life/school commitments, whilst also planning the show. Get togethers, workshops, meeting other artists are done in their own time, as well as organising the finer details of putting together the final show. It’s a lot of work to be achieved in a year and, yes, most importantly that creative control lies with the group.
Student Artwork by Nay Bu Soe Htoo
What are the benefits for emerging artists to be involved in an exhibition like this?
The whole experience! As the year has gone on, the interaction with the Geelong Arts community and the development of their own practice, as well as getting noticed independently as an artist which is quite difficult at the best of times.
As mentors, what do you consider the biggest challenge for emerging artists?
Time management, patience and not always taking yourself too seriously.
Student Artwork by Anabelle Stonehouse
Have you got any plans or changes for the program next year?
Yes, but we are keeping that tight lipped at the moment. Still a small group but possibly some more opportunities in the making.
Thanks again for talking with us, is there anything else you’d like to add before we finish up?
Just thank you. There’s a long list… to Forte, Deakin, Art Society and Little Creatures for all their support over the year, the artists and galleries that we have met along the way, and especially the people that have helped and guided the group throughout.
Student Artwork by Kirraley Hardiman
Main Artwork Image by Jack Grayson
When and Where: Anthropoid Opening Night @ Deakin Waterfront the Sally Walker Gallery, Deakin Waterfront from 5pm – 7:30pm – November 11.