Game of Thrones Quiz

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Game of Thrones Quiz

1. What is the Hound’s real name?
2. Before leaving for the wall, Jon Snow gives his sister Arya what as a gift?
3. What was the name of the witch burned alive by Daenerys on the funeral pyre of Khal Drogo?
4. There are six direwolf cubs adopted by the Stark children (and Jon Snow); Grey Wind, Lady, Ghost, Shaggydog, Summer and…?
5. When Tyrion Lannister is freed from the dungeons upon his execution, who does he find in his father Tywin’s bed?
6. When Margaery visits Tommen in the middle of the night, what does Tommen say Joffrey wanted to do to his cat Ser Pounce?
7. Why does Daenerys banish Ser Jorah Mormont from Meereen?
8. What was the name of the castle where Arya and Gendry were held prisoner in season two?
9. What is the name of the first Game of Thrones episode?
10. What did Littlefinger use to smuggle the hide the poison to kill Joffrey?
11. What is Tyrion Lannister also known as?
12. What is the name of someone who can enter the minds of animals?
13. Who orders Jon Snow to stop training the other men at Castle Black as he is a steward now?
14. After leaving a dying The Hound, Arya uses a coin to buy passage on a ship bound for Braavos. Who gave her the coin?
15. How many horn blasts from the wall signal White Walkers approaching?
Scroll for Answers
1. Sandor Clegane
2. A sword
3. Mirri Maz Duur
4. Nymeria
5. Tyrion’s past lover Shae
6. Skin him alive and mix his innards into Tommen’s food so he didn’t know he was eating the cat.
7. He had been spying on her for Robert Baratheon
8. Harrenhal
9. Winter is Coming
10. Sansa’s necklace
11. The Imp
12. A warg
13. Ser Alliser Thorne
14. Jaqen H’ghar
15. Three
