It’s been a year since the last we saw from Game of Thrones.
But last night, Game of Thrones returned to our screens and Messina is getting around it with some seriously delicious flavours.
For its Game of Cones, Messina will release one GOT-themed flavour every week (on Monday) for the next eight Mondays (and episodes).
To start things off Messina released a flavour in honour of everyone’s favourite auburn-haired Stark. The “Sansa” is burnt vanilla with orange cake and chocolate fudge.
The flavour is available at all Messina stores nationally, and is available for delivery if you’re within a store’s delivery zone.
We know it’s winter, and you might be tempted to forfeit the battle of the store visit, but trust us – it will be worth it. You can find Gelato Messina in Fitzroy, Richmond and Windsor, which we know is out of Forte territory, but it would be a sin for us not to share.