Presentation is Everything
Whilst the weather has been warming up recently, so has the prospect of a new job. Hiring season is most definitely here, and rivalry is in the air. Considering how many young people are looking for a job over summer, you can expect the competition to be fierce. But not to worry, I’ve got you covered on how to make a great impression on your potential new boss, should you manage to score that interview you’ve been hunting for.
In an interview, first impressions are everything. When your potential employer sees you for the first time, you have already been judged as a person based on your appearance and clothing choices. If you’re dressed well, the big boss knows you’re taking this interview seriously and will go on to consider if your skill set is right for the job. If you rock up in trackies and a hoodie, don’t be surprised if your interview lasts no longer than a few minutes. The point is: if you are confident about your appearance, you will project the right professional image.
You do want to dress to impress, but please don’t get me wrong, a job interview is not the place for a racy fashion statement. Nobody wants to see a potential employee walk in to an interview wearing a plunging v-neck playsuit and stilettos. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t have a little bit of fun with our interview attire. Try a little bit of colour in your interview outfit with a cobalt blue colour-blocked shirt or a subtle rosy colour on the lips. It can help you stand out in amongst the sea of monochromatic suits.
You can never go wrong with a pencil skirt, but if you’re going for an office job, do try to stay away from leather pencil skirts as they can look a little dominatrix-ish in the office. However, it doesn’t mean that you have to go boring. Try a while pencil skirt, or a pencil shirt with a mesh panel to add something a little extra. In saying this, it’s always a really great idea to check the company policy and dress codes to gauge how you might like to style yourself for the day, but when in doubt, it’s better to overdress than underdress.
Makeup-wise, you want to go for what the beauty world might call a ‘no-makeup’ makeup look. It’s basically taking the idea of natural makeup, making sure to save your amazing winged eyeliner skills and crazy contouring for other days, and sticking with neutral eyes, very subtle blush and a nude or rosy lip. We take the same kind of angle on hair: neat and well kept. Steer clear of Prom Queen curls or any fancy up-do’s. Keep it simple, and if all else fails, tie it back into a little bun and secure any stray hairs with bobby pins and a little hairspray. Don’t forget to give your nails a little bit of loving as well with a lick of polish. And remember, the more creative the role, the more creative you can be with your attire. Keep that in mind when you’re putting together your outfit.
An added bonus to dressing like a boss is, when you know you look good, your confidence is boosted, so you automatically emit more confidence in your interviews. So go in there with your head held high, you’ve totally got this, because in the words of Rihanna, “you can beat me, but you can’t beat my outfit”.
By Jessica Alves
Instagram @jessicazalves