Friday Nights At NGV To Present Husky In Latest Instalment

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Friday Nights At NGV To Present Husky In Latest Instalment

After living in Berlin while touring Europe and the U.S last year, Melbourne folk duo Husky are currently working on their third album, which they aim to release worldwide later this year.

Band members Husky Gawenda and Gideon Preiss have been writing songs and touring the world since 2011, and their last two albums resonate with sweet gentle melodies that reminisce over their hometown in Melbourne and their European and US tours.

Now they’re going to play NGV Fridays, which also features the Melbourne Winter Masterpieces exhibition Degas: A New Vision, live jazz, short talks, Degas-inspired French food, bars, live music performances by local and international acts and after-hours access to the exhibition.

Husky will play at Fridays Nights at NGV on Friday July 15.