Fenn Wilson reveals debut album Ghost Heroin

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Fenn Wilson reveals debut album Ghost Heroin

The controversial dilemma of Nature Versus Nurture holds considerable relevance in the case of Fenn Wilson; as from inky depths of a midnight voice, he seems to project a timbre of instinctive resonance quite akin to his Father, Chris Wilson.

However, while reflections of both genetic enrichment and childhood influence are seen in the steely sheen of his expression, Fenn Wilson contributes many an angle of individuality to his newest collection of stirring songs. While painting his electrified strings with a muddy George Ezra pitch, Fenn perpetuates a minimalist portrayal of emotional subjects through his slowly sliding soliloquies.

Many of his pieces ease metallically into vocal crescendos related unapologetically with his signature execution of carefree dryness, and the flickering chords of songs such as ‘Mirrors’ merge occasionally with twinkles of piano and gentle orchestral allusions.

Fenn’s title track reverberates like a lingering whiskey sip in the darkness, and the lights of his strums fall upon the pungency of his delivery. Concluding with pensive bass notes, Fenn appeals with an impassioned vocal catch upon the word ‘heroin’; commanding attention for the piece’s sombre spectrum of interpretation.

Reflecting the execution of Iggy Pop and possibly the mood of Live, the piece ‘Wall Fall’ occasionally echoes Pillar Of Davidson in a chordal and melodic sense; with patches of whispered guitar propelling the piece towards its evolution. A brooding union of strings and vocal ponderings, the album maintains musical cohesion throughout its entirety.

Written by Renée N. Abbott
