This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and in a new initiative, musicians have banded together to take pictures of themselves using Chrissy Amphlett as inspiration.
The concept is pretty simple, but oh so powerful. Essentially, you take a picture topless with your hand over your breasts and share the picture hashtagging ‘#itouchmyselfproject’.
It arose from Amplett’s recent passing from the disease and her famous song ‘I Touch Myself’ which is now the anthem for Breast Cancer early detection. Each year hundreds and thousands of women die from the treatable disease as they are diagnosed too late.
So far musicians Little May, Montaigne, Ngaiire, Abbe May and Katy Steele have gotten involved for the cause. With the images hopefully sparking women to utilise early detention methods with their own breasts.
“Every year, hundreds and thousands of women die from treatable breast cancer, simply because they are diagnosed too late. In memory of the late legend, Chrissy Amphlett, we have joined friends NGAIIRE Montaigne Katy Steele Abbe May to touch ourselves as she had asked. The Divinyls ‘I Touch Myself’ is now an anthem for the early detection of breast cancer,” Little May released on Facebook.
To donate to the cause or find out more please visit the website.
Images from musicians’ social media, main image of Katy Steele, Ngaiire and Abbe May. Above image of Little May.