El Vy: Return to the Moon

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El Vy: Return to the Moon

When you have Matt Berninger at the forefront of your project from Brooklyn rockers The National, then you know your debut record is going to be nothing short of spectacular. From the start of the title track of this record, you are transported to a world of indie rock and I’ve gotta tell you right from the beginning of Return to The Moon, this is an album with many different textures to the tracks and that is a very beneficial thing.
Equal parts Brian Eno and maybe REM and Radiohead, there are many different soundscapes to enjoy and since turning this album on to write this review, I clicked back to my iTunes to see that I had listened to seven out of the 11 tracks. That’s not to say for one minute this is an album that can pass you by, it is just indulgent rock ‘n’ roll that sounds like it could classify for a James Bond theme
To compare this to a National album would be incredibly unfair to Matt Berninger, because sonically it is so different from what he has done previously with his music. If you are after a diverse and intriguing listen then the debut album from El Vy is definitely worth spending 40-minutes getting your head around.
Out via 4AD
Reviewed by Tex Miller
