DIET: Sundown

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DIET: Sundown

Melbourne indie rock band, DIET have just released their new, six track EP, ‘Sundown’, blending rock and pop into a sweet, sweet concoction.
Opening track, ‘Don’t need it’ is fast paced, showcasing smooth, strong vocals and catchy guitar riffs. ‘Game plan’, the second track is in keeping with upbeat notions, sounding something like The Strokes meets pop-synth.
‘Take Me’ executes impressive vocal range of Ben O’Loughlin, decorated with beachy riffs. ‘Danny Boy’ slows the pace slightly, but certainly doesn’t venture from the band’s rock veneer and is a smooth precursor to title track, ‘Sundown’, which combines all elements of synth, vocals, guitar and drums in full.
The last track on the EP, ‘In Focus’, is dreamy but doesn’t lose the energetic indie vibe carried through from start to finish.
All in all, Sundown is a celebration of great indie rock and I’m very excited to see what’s to come for DIET.
Reviewed by Aine Keogh
