Travelling is a remarkable adventure that many of us are lucky enough to experience at one point in our lives. Feeling the unknown, embracing the unusual and experiencing all of the highs. However, the one thing that is rarely spoken about is the lows. What about not enjoying yourself? What about getting ill? What about feeling homesick?
Even though homesickness is completely normal, it’s still a major issue for a great deal of people when they’re abroad. Obviously it’s not as exciting to talk about when being compared to a bungy jump in New Zealand or soaking up the sun on a pristine beach in Greece, am I right? Having been living abroad for almost three years now, I’ve had my fair share of homesickness along the way and have to admit, I’ve spent evenings on my laptop longing to book the next flight back to Melbourne. Been there, bought the T-shirt.
Whether you’re travelling for a short or long period of time, holidaying or are living abroad, here are some of my tips that will hopefully encourage you to overcome and deal with homesickness when it strikes.
TALK ABOUT IT – Keeping a feeling as deep and temperamental as homesickness solely to yourself will only lead to it getting much worse. So, let it out! Get it off your chest and free yourself of the daunting feeling – you’ll feel a whole lot better for it. Anyone you talk to will know exactly how you feel and would have without a doubt been in the same situation as you in the past.
HAVE A GOOD CRY – Emotions are bound to get out of control in these kinds of situations, and it’s cool. You’re cool. Everything is totally cool! Shedding a few tears and having a moment is completely alright and is another way to let it all out. You might even feel like a new person afterwards, ready to take on the world and make the most of your travels!
LOVE YOUR NEW SURROUNDINGS – If you’re going to be in a certain destination for a while, it’s probably best to learn to love it a bit more. However, don’t be disappointed if you don’t love it straight away – everyone’s different and these things take time. It will definitely never be home, yes, but it’s a new kind of home and one that’s essential to your time overseas.
EXPLORE – Get out of the house, take your mind off the homesickness and get involved! Make new friends, be confident and be brave! You could go on a walking tour, attend a party at your hostel, check out museums, try new food or explore a new area of the city. Getting out is half the battle in the first place!
KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE – Being alone and taking on a new challenge abroad is something to be incredibly proud of, so make sure you remember that! You’ll grow as a person and learn so many amazing new things about yourself – you won’t recognise yourself anymore! There are so many advantages to your situation – so try your best to keep a positive mind.
You wanted to travel for a reason, so don’t let homesickness hold you back!
Written by Katherine Reynolds