Dazzling light trail Lightscape will return to the Royal Botanical Gardens next year

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Dazzling light trail Lightscape will return to the Royal Botanical Gardens next year

The immersive light installation is set to return with an all-new trail after a sell-out season earlier this year.

Cameras at the ready, Victoria’s Royal Botanic Gardens will be home to the massive Lightscape light installation for the second time, for a season in winter next year. Featuring an all-new track, that will span two kilometres of colour-changing installations and large-scale illuminated sculptures, catch Lightscape from June 16 until August 6, 2023.

Lightscape 2023

  • Lightscape is returning to the Royal Botanical Gardens with an all-new trail next year
  • Featuring colour-changing installations and large scale illuminated sculptures, it will light up next winter
  • It will return from June 16 until August 6, 2023

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Marvel at beautiful works from both international and Australian artists, wander through glowing tunnels, shimmering waterside reflections and light-drenched tree canopies over a two kilometre trail.

Enhancing the beauty of nature, the Royal Botanic Gardens was the first garden in Australia to host the Lightscape experience last year. With local artists being commissioned to create their own Melbourne-specific works, they will be featured alongside works created for the US and UK versions of the event.

“In addition to internationally acclaimed pieces, Lightscape will commission local artists to create works to celebrate Melbourne’s culture and nature, all at the green heart of our beautiful city,” said Botanic Gardens director Tim Entwisle.

Tickets for the June 16 – August 6 at the Royal Botanic Gardens season go on sale this Friday, December 9. Find out more by heading here.