The month long festival that is Oxjam is now well underway, and one of the many bands helping the charity to ‘tip the scale’ is Cosmo’s Midnight. We had a chat with Cosmo from the band about the important stuff Oxfam are doing and how they’re getting involved.
Hey Cosmo, thanks for taking the time to chat with Forte magazine, how are you and what are you up to at the moment?
Hello we just got back from Splendour, having a relaxation period because we’ve been on the road a bit for the last week.
You’ll soon be taking part in the month of gigs with Oxjam, how much are you loving the idea?
We’re super happy to be supporting what Oxfam stands for, and if that means playing some music we’re all for it!
Are you a big believer in the good stuff the folk at Oxfam do?
It’s really disheartening to know that in this day and age that the (poor) majority of the world can be helped by a wealthy minority and yet are still unable to receive the help they deserve. Even if it it’s not a solution to poverty we’re really happy that Oxfam are helping to tip the scales!
You’re launching it all too on opening night, are you prepared to set Oxjam off to a flying-partying start?
Yep, we’re going to play some really exciting and fun club music. I’m not really sure what everyone’s expecting but I’m sure it will be great.
Do you think you’ll get the chance to head out and attend one of the number of gigs on throughout the month?
Well we’re super free right now from shows so we’re just going to be writing music, we’ll definitely try to get through to a few of the other shows.
If you were to create any gig you could for the event, what would you do? Who would play etc?
If we could curate the event, we’d probably choose my friends from Norway called Rytmeklubben. They all have similar tastes in music that are aligned with our own. I’d love for the night to have a really cool theme (but that would take some serious thought) and an amazing setting!
You do always seem to be up for the more unusual format gigs, like the warehouse project with Alison Wonderland, how was that?
That tour was really fun, it was pretty daunting playing to crowds over 5k capacity because you definitely feel pressure to cater to their musical needs, but the shows were really intense and I’d love to see AW step up yet again when the next warehouse tour comes around.
You’ve just got a new track out as well, ‘Walk With me’, what was it like working with Kučka and how did that come about?
Kučka is an amazing singer and a generally great person. We had ‘Walk With Me’ on our old computer, and it stayed there for almost a year untouched until we happened upon it whilst digging through Ableton files. We discovered Kučka via Soundcloud and knew she had the perfect voice for the song so we hit her up straight away.
And what was the idea behind the single artwork for that track?
We have an animator friend who has worked on anime series like Space Dandy and Ghost In A Shell, and since we got him to work on our last single artwork we thought it was great to get him back for a second time. We thought it would be cool to add a dog with the girl as the song title could be about dog walking haha
We love that the art is done in an anime kind of style, are you big watchers of anime, any favourites?
Our favourite anime would have to be Space Dandy, Tatami Galaxy and Redline is a great feature film.
Thanks again for having the chat with us, any last words of wisdom you’d like to share with our readers?
I wouldn’t say we are at all wise, but I think it’s good to always remain open to everything, and it’s easier to be nice than hateful 🙂
Oxfam will be running through the month of August with various gigs around the city. Visit and attend one of the many gigs for good!