Canadian Gods of War, Blasphemy, are an icon in the underground Black and Death Metal scene. With only two albums released back in the earlier part of the ’90s, they have managed to reign in blood after all these years, and have toured the world with their heavy metal of the extreme kind. We chat to Nocturnal Grave Desecrator and Black Winds; and Deathlord of Abomination and War Apocalypse ahead of their Aussie tour in July.
Welcome to Forte! Great to have you in our pages! You were over here recently for a one-off show at Dark Mofo. How was your first time here?
Black Winds: It was great. So was the crowd and the weather.
Deathlord: That was a dream come true! We spoke of wanting to do shows in Australia for years! Decades even! We have had contact with maniacs from Australia since around the time that Blasphemy and Conqueror (my old band) started. Personally, I was well aware of the Australian scene as some of the most brutal music possible at the time was coming from there! That Dark Mofo was a very professional festival and the experience was very positive. Maniacs from all over Australia traveled to Tasmania to see the show and we were very grateful for the support!
This time the mainland get to see you. For the not so familiar readers, give them an idea of Blasphemy live?
Black Winds: Well they’ve been different from time to time, but in general we like to use a lot of barbed wire, bullets beers, and bitches.
Deathlord: There has been a certain vision that Blasphemy has had since day one: We wanted to bring an over-the-top image to the stage to compliment the over-the-top music. That included bullets, chains and spikes worn by total Black Metal barbarians! We wanted to have an impact as soon as we walked on the stage and keep up the desecration overkill from the first song until the very last! Like Venom, but Venom on stronger steroids, haha! So we are coming at you with a malicious intent!!
Do you see Blasphemy ever doing another album or are you happy to leave the legacy of Fallen Angel of Doom and Gods of War as they are, and just play live?
Black Winds: I am always angry enough to play to the legacy of Fallen and God, but I’m sure I have enough rage and fury to put out something new as soon as the stars line up.
Deathlord: The plan is always to do another album, but the chaos keeps getting in the way. Usually, when I see a band that has been around for a while live I am only interested in hearing their oldest songs. Of course, they end up playing newer songs and get quite distracted and/or annoyed. With Blasphemy we do every song from those albums now, and pretty much every song has become a classic in one way or another! We can keep people fully immersed in the entire show! Pretty much everyone in Blasphemy are active in the underground though, even if it isn’t through Blasphemy. We have Blasphemagoatachrist, Death Worship, Vassafor and Weregoat all releasing new music!
What is one of the more extreme ones you can share with our readers, other than the blood licking?
Black Winds: Oh yeah, I’m sitting in a restaurant with two friends, we were just talking about a show here in Vancouver. About 27 years ago when a few fans started beating on security, then cops showed up and got the same treatment. Then one other small incident a maniac was spinning around his powerlifting belt knocking other people out. All was well until he clipped one of our guys in the head. He was quickly sorted out.
Deathlord: Violence has followed Blasphemy since the band was established. For many years at the beginning of this band, Blasphemy was banned from all of the local clubs in the entire region. If the band members weren’t getting into fights with shit disturbers in the audience, the audience were fighting each other. We saw heads bounce off of metal parking meters outside, we saw legs broken and the ambulance workers coming directly into the club while we were on stage at maximum volume, and many, many more similar stories. Come have a couple of beers with us and you will hear some great stories. It’s nothing to boast about though. It comes with the territory.
You would know of many Aussie bands over the years I imagine. Name a couple you are a fan of.
Black Winds: Bestial Warlust, Vomitor, Destruktor, Abominator, Sadistik Exekution, Destroyer 666, Hobbs Angel of Death. Way too many to mention.
Deathlord: I can name more than a couple!! First, we were into Sadistik Exekution and Slaughter Lord! Those bands put the Australian scene in the radar for us! Then we got into some killer thrash like Mortal Sin, Hobb’s Angel of Death and Armoured Angel as well as Anatomy! Then the right chords were struck when we heard Corpse Molestation/ Bestial Warlust!!!!!! And of course, I can mention other killers like Abominator, Martire, Vomitor, early SOL, Gospel of the Horns and Destruktor. Of course, I am missing some bands as I am just doing this interview with answers off the top of my head, but you get the point. We followed the scene and the scene delivered some strong bands! Black Winds really liked that first Nazxul album ‘Totem’, meanwhile, I liked that early Darklord stuff! Pure unhinged craziness!
Sum up Blasphemy in as few words as you can.
Black Winds: Brutal, Loud, Fast.
What are your favourite tracks to play live?
Black Winds: Blasphemous Attack, Nocturnal Slayer, Fallen Angel of Doom, Demoniac.
Deathlord: I am a ‘Nocturnal Slayer’ and ‘Darkness Prevails’ type of guy, but of course every song is great! ‘Demoniac’, ‘Ritual’ and ‘Goddess of Perversity’ were the songs that got me into the music Blasphemy was doing before I was in the band, so they will always hold a special place too.
Any final words?
Black Winds: Can’t wait to get there and slam cold beers with Aussie Maniacs, and thanks for the interview.
Deathlord: See you in Australia!!!!!!! This has been a long time coming and we are excited to finally desecrate Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney after all these years of talking!!! WAR COMMAND!!!