Better than Christmas: Grapevine came early this year and we certainly weren’t complaining

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Better than Christmas: Grapevine came early this year and we certainly weren’t complaining

Words by Tomasina Dimopoulos

With a lineup crafted to let us boogie in the Yarra Valley six months early, Untitled’s ‘Grapevine Presents - Golden Features’ provided a juicy precursory taste of the hallmarked Grapevine Gathering event set for October this year.

Reminding us of how fortunate we were to frequent large-scale events over 12 months ago now, Grapevine Presents saw Australian favourites; Golden Features, Lastlings, Motez and Bag Raiders share a very welcoming and accommodating stage with rapidly rising acts; Stace Cadet, Ebony Boadu and Mell Hall.

Keep up with the latest festival news via our website.

It might have been the copious amount of wine, or maybe just that fact that it had been so long – but the look of serene bliss on the faces of punters, swaying side by side in the crowd was unmistakable; collectively, we had missed this.

In spite of the rain, music and grape lovers alike embraced the day swigging bottles of fine drops, traversing the expansive green pastures and wrapping themselves in the superior protection of plastic ponchos.

There is no denying that for some there was still a dampener to the day (and it wasn’t the weather). Instead, it was the noticeable presence of COVID restrictions; such as body limits in the floor section at the stage, which detracted from the free-spirited energy of a live music event.

Nonetheless, the vast majority of event-goers seemed unphased and certainly undeterred by the compliance requirements; they were simply stoked to party-on in whatever manner was deemed safe. So whilst adhering to the necessities, grapes were squashed, mud was made and so were the days of Grapevine attendees.

With thumping beats, the ripe for the picking headline act Golden Features closed the day off in a spectacular fashion; sending the crowd into the night with intense desire and longing for the next Grapevine season.

Visit the Grapevine Gathering website for future events.