Australia Day Long Weekend at Madman’s Gully Amphitheatre on the farmlands of the former Mayday Hills Lunatic Asylum (now decommissioned) in the heart of Beechworth, the second Beechworth Music Festival will take place. The line up includes the best of local, regional and national artists including Beaches, Jen Cloher and Band, The Bennies, Ron S. Peno and the Superstitions, My Left Boot, LuLuc, The Hounds, Homebound, Rubber Band, The Sugarcanes, Pearls,Benny Williams, Liv Cartledge, DJ Mermaid, Wangaratta Ukulele Band, Geoff Jackson, MC Cat McGauran 3PBS FM. Saturday 24 January 2015, Beechworth. Tickets on sale now!