Titled ‘Get Back Up’ the opening number for the new Barenaked Ladies release could easily be a comment on the band’s history. It’s know that negativity made its way into the band and Ed Robertson has said Silverball was a return to the joy of writing. Echoing: ‘You’ve gotta get back up, gotta get back up’ through the song it sounds almost like a personal mantra.
For those who are wanting to hear the old Barenaked Ladies that they sung-a-long many years ago, this time things have changed. While there’s still the confidence and positive vibes flowing through each track, there’s also a heavier country influence, whether it’s in Robertson’s vocals or the twang of the guitar, there’s a definite influence.
‘Matter of Time’ is a sweet release with some cute rhyming lyrics – I can’t really describe it any other way. It’s an easy listen and that’s the main charm of this track. ‘Say What You Want’ is a highlight for it’s rockier edge. The guitar is heavier and the main carrier through the track and Robertson’s vocals are a bit deeper and darker than in the previous sugary country tunes.
‘Hold My Hand’ and ‘Silverball’ are also a pretty standout tracks and ‘Narrow Streets’ is quite possibly the closest you’ll get to the older Barenaked Ladies sounds. Ultimately this is a great release for those wanting a modern take on country with a strong rock edge, but for anyone wanting to reminisce of ‘One Week’ best you don’t pick up this album.
Out now via Vanguard Records
Reviewed by Alexander Lightfoot