Q&A with Brayden Dorney
Beards are majestical love rugs for your face. You may see it as just unkempt facial hair, but in reality it is awesomeness on your face. One man that knows all about beards is Brayden Dorney of Barber’s Choice Beard and Moustache Tonic, and we cornered him for a little chat.
Hi Brayden, thanks for taking the time to chat with us. How are you and what are you up to at the moment?
Hi Forte, thank you very much for the opportunity. I have been focusing most of my time lately on perfecting Barber’s Choice’s newest product which I will be revealing very soon. I am very excited about it.
I guess the most obvious question is: What kind of beard are you rocking?
It’s hard to say exactly what kind of beard I am rocking as I believe no two beards in this world are the same. Most people tend to call my beard “the Ned Kelly” – well-groomed with particular attention to the moustache.
For those who can’t share in the beard growing experience, what are some of the pains felt while growing those luscious chin hairs?
It is important to remember with great beards comes great responsibility! Beard itch is no longer a problem after a good oiling. Alas, there are still many day-to-day challenges, such as convincing your partner that growing a beard is a fantastic idea or even something as simple as eating a souvlaki in public.
We see it’s got quite a few natural ingredients. How long did it take you to get a formula perfected?
I made sure the ingredients were all 100 per cent natural. None of us want to subject our beard to anything else. I spent almost two months researching natural oils and working out which ones are the most important to both hair and skin.
Have you been contacted by any bearded ladies for the tonic?
Hahaha, I can’t say I have. I am still waiting for the Eurovision winner to contact me for a bottle. Although I have sold quite a lot to women, they claim it is for their partners. I don’t question it, but some of the ladies could be growing beards in places we can’t see…
For those who can’t grow a beard, is it any good on your actual hair?
Certainly! The ingredients in the tonic are perfect for all hair, not just beards. Oils such as the Moroccan Argan oil have been used in hair for hundreds of years.
Thanks again for taking the time to chat. Is there anything you’d like to add before we finish up?
No worries, thank you.
To all the people out there that keep asking us bearded men whether our beards will make us hot this summer and whether we will shave it off, the answers are NO and NO. Yes, our beards keep us warm in winter, but they are just as important for keeping us cool in summer. A good beard will shade your face and neck from the heat of the sun.
Having said all that, it’s not just about what your beard can do for you, it’s about what you can do for your beard. Barber’s Choice beard and moustache tonic is a must for all beard owners. Give your beard what it deserves!
Where: barberschoice.com.au