Backstreets Ballarat – What’s On!

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Backstreets Ballarat – What’s On!

Loads of fun stuff is happening this fortnight with some pretty great weather too. If there’s one gig you’re going to switch Netflix off and put your pants on for, it’s the Wolveschildren annual Halloween CREEPSHOW on the 31st. Head over to check out the popular group exhibition and super fun dress-up party, where you can make your Michael Jackson ‘Thriller’ dreams come true with loads of people dressing up every year in the best DIY costume effort likely to be seen this side of the ’90s. The fun continues next door, as The Eastern finishes up the spookiest night of the year with legendary surf-garage heroes Midnight Woolf, as well as Grindhouse fresh of the plane from L.A.
With Ballarat’s growing reputation as a food-lovers destination, Cereal Killer on Wheels has joined the ranks as the latest and greatest pun-tastic mobile trader. Now we can stop pretending that we don’t love eating cereal for dinner, with Cereal Killer on hand to fulfil all our secret cereal/dinner based fantasies, including some of America’s finest morning moments… Reese’s Puffs or Cap’n Crunch anyone? Check them out at Tuck Truck Tuesday from 5-7pm while the Archibald is on, or head to their Facebook page for all the times and locations.
Don’t forget that every 1st and 3rd Monday night of the month we have the awesome opportunity to twerk against strangers in a darkened room with No Lights No Lycra transforming the Victorian Railways Institute Hall on Lydiard Street into a real-life David Lynch experience. To make the most of this Melbourne craze finally transplanting to Ol’ B-town, make sure you drag a few friends with you to amp up the vibes and potentially practice some synchronised disco moves. Check them out on Facebook for details.
Divali 2015 is happening on the 24th, with India’s famous Festival of Lights being brought to life right here in Ballarat. Loads of activities for the kiddies and a guaranteed delicious curry fix is among the many reasons to head to the event, but most excitingly is the Bollywood dance workshop, where you can bolster your repertoire for NLNL with some pretty amazing onscreen numbers.
The Ballarat Observatory is opening its gates on 31st for an amazing workshop in Astrophotography. If arty Instagram snaps are your thing, then come and learn to up the ante with some stellar tips and tricks. The folks there are so nice, you can even camp there overnight for free! Check FB for details and to book a place.
And finally, if you feel like a drink to counter the absolute MADNESS happening in Ballarat that is above-20s weather, check out the hip new laneway conversion that is Hop Temple. With tantalising phrases like ‘Taco Night’ and ‘Spit-Roast’ rife on their Facebook page, it’s hardly a stretch to drag yourself down and add a few craft beers in the mix for a pretty awesome weekend. If you like drinking liquid, these guys have got you covered on all bases.
Pants on everyone!
Written by Emma Dallamora
Images from Hop Temple.