While everyone’s making New Year’s resolutions, here are a few ideas and places for you to actually see them through.
1.Get handsy and make something cool
We’ve all seen that scene in Ghost, and it’s often the basis for out pottery knowledge – at least for those who aren’t well versed in the ceramic world. Artworx in Geelong is a creative space for not only art supplies but classes to use said supplies as well. Ceramicist Sarah Schembri is hosting a class where you can make either a flat cheese platter or fruit platter over two days. Nothing beats eating food of something you’ve made yourself.
Find out more: artworxgeelong.com.au
2.Become the master of printmaking
Geelong Art Society offer a wealth of arts classes and inspirational opportunities – printmaking just so happens to be one of them. Kicking off on Monday, January 30 with Robyn Mackay, the class runs for nine weeks and by the end of it you’ll be churning out prints like it’s nobodies business.
Find out more: geelongartsociety.weebly.com
3.Join and group and get out in the world
Finding the motivation to make can be hard when you’re trapped in your own mind, so sometimes it’s good to get out there and seek inspiration from others. If you’re into film photography, there’s a group in Geelong called ‘Geelong Film Photographers’ (you can find it on Facebook), which is a community all about celebrating the analogue and heading out on various roadtrips/excursions to do so. Better yet, you can always start your own group of whatever art you’re feeling.
Find out more: Seach ‘Geelong Film Photographers’ on Facebook.
4.Learn about drawing the body
In a non-committal, welcoming and creative space, Geelong hosts a weekly life drawing class. After running through much of 2016 the classes have become quite the success and see attendees drawing the human body in its purist form for an easy $10 (and all materials included). It all kicks off again in February.
Find out more: Search ‘lifedrawingGeelong’ on Facebook.
5. Get drawing on the reg
While many of us may make the goal of drawing on a daily basis – it can be hard work. Setting up a chance weekly to draw in a group are the once a week drawing classes hosted at the Art Gallery of Ballarat. Touching on various different topics of portraiture, life drawing and more, the classes will run from Saturday, February 4 until the end of March. Better yet, if you need some inspiration for sketches, have a wonder around the gallery.
Find out more: http://artgalleryofballarat.com.au/
6.Take the plunge and share your thoughts
Lowercase is one of the fastest rising poetry groups in Geelong, where once a month a group of passionated (and wordy) creatives gather to share their thoughts with the group. You can still attend a night to simply sit and listen (and snap your fingers when you hear something you like). The nights are based around themes, and if you submit your poetry early you may even get it in the monthly zine. Each night is hosted at Analogue Academy, but you can find out more via Facebook.
Find out more: Search ‘lowercasepoetry’ on Facebook.