Are You Lonesome Tonight?

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Are You Lonesome Tonight?

“A bunch of lonesome and very quarrelsome heroes, were smoking out along the open road. The night was very dark and thick between them, each man beneath his ordinary load. ‘I’d like to tell my story,’ said one of them so young and bold. ‘I’d like to tell my story, before I turn into gold.’”
So sings Leonard Cohen on ‘A Bunch of Lonesome Heroes’, from where The Lonesome Heroes borrow their name. With their hearts in Western Americana, the band combines elements of indie rock, folk and country into highway revelry. The band was formed by Rich Russell and Landry McMeans, though McMeans parted ways in 2013. While Russell may be considered the heart, the soul over their journey has been provided by a rotating cast of some 30 players. These days it has the more settled line-up of guitarist Gary Newcomb, drummer Dave Sims, Jr. and longtime bassist Nick Lochman. The band has just kicked off an Aussie tour – their first – in celebration of their sophomore album, Can’t Stand Still. According to Russell, the album is “a musical map of the emotions and places I’ve travelled through the last few years”. Pistol Pete’s, Geelong – October 17.