APES: Stranger than Strangers

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APES: Stranger than Strangers

APES are back everyone. They’re back. And with their return from their EP Helluva (2013) they bring a more refined, mature sound. The riffs are tighter, the lyrics seem somewhat more cleverly written and it’s a continuation from the positive feelings I had for the band previously. Progress is good people.

The band have spoken of this record being recorded in an unorthodox and paired with their sonic exploration in the release, you can see it’s resulted in a really diverse sound.

‘Pull the Trigger’ opens with a killer riff, hooking you in to a pretty versatile track. ‘Filter’ is catchy, slightly off kilter, but really, what’s off kilter for a release that’s utterly diverse?

‘Strange Tastes’ is a darker single, with grunge-y guitar lines reminiscent of something out of the ‘90s with menacing vocals throughout. As a result it’s a highlight on the release.

One of the best things to come from this release, is to see the confidence the band have in their songwriting. And really, only great things can come from that.

MGM Distribution
Reviewed by Alexander Lightfoot
Four stars
