After joining forces with Elana Stone, Katie Wighton and Hannah Crofts, we had a chat with Georgia Mooney on what it’s like playing in a band and their super fun clip for ‘Tell Me’ featuring Jake Stone (Bluejuice) and Phil Jamieson (Grinspoon).
Hi, thanks for taking the time out to chat to Forte, how are are you and what are you up to right now?
Hello! Thank you! I am very well. Right now I am at the Catholic Boys High School where I teach singing lessons in Sydney and my first two students are away, so it’s my lucky day. (Just kidding, they are lovely and I hope they get well soon).
You’ve all had pretty successful solo careers, what’s it like now working together as a team? Is it a nice change?
It is a lovely change! Having three other people on the stage with you is very comforting when you’re used to doing it by yourself. We all love the opportunity to sing in four-part harmony too! We will always have our solo projects, but it’s nice to have another outlet with your best mates that’s a little less self-reliant.
You seem to be getting rave reviews and have even been pronounced as the most talked about new folk band out of Sydney. That’s got to be reinforcement that you’ve made the right decision becoming a group!
That is very nice indeed! I think perhaps we have a fairly unique lineup with four female singers and four interesting folky instruments (guitar, mandolin, ukelele and accordion). There is also something a bit special and timeless about harmony singing I think. But who knows! We got lucky.
Got to say we love your clip for ‘Tell Me’, how did you manage to get Jake Stone (Bluejuice), Phil Jamieson (Grinspoon) and Lawrence Leung (Offspring) on board?
Thank you! Let’s not forget Jackson Gallagher from Home & Away too! It was all a bit of good luck actually.. Elana had just seen Phil Jamieson in The White Album Tour and thought he was top notch. She sort of asked him out of the blue and surprisingly he said yes! Lawrence Leung is a friend of Hannah’s sister and he was also a very good sport. Jake is Elana’s brother so he had a family obligation and Jackson knew Hannah in high school and apparently was the guy everyone asked to their formal. They were all a lot of fun.
Will there be more videos like this for your next lot of singles?
Hopefully! Perhaps we’ll have to try out some other sports..
You’ll be playing Harvester Moon in a few days, are you looking forward to it?
Very much so! It’s really nice to have some shows that aren’t just in the big cities this time. We are looking forward to visiting a lot of places we’ve never been before.
So you’ve ticked off releasing a successful single, is there an EP or album in the works?
There is! The songs are mostly ready, we just need to get in the studio. We are planning to release another couple of singles early next year, then the full album mid next year sometime.
Thanks again for taking the time out to chat to us, before we finish up is there anything you’d like to add?
Thank you! See you on Saturday night!
When & Where: The Main Bar, Ballarat – October 10 & Harvester Moon Festival, Bellarine – October 11