Aussie comic genius Alex Williamson cannot stop delivering laughs to the masses and with the announcement of his new tour for 2019 (Sin on my face) not to mention two sneaky performances of his previous show (So Wrong, It’s Wrong) in Horsham and Mt Gambier, he’s showing no signs of slowing down.
We decided that in celebration of the new tour we’ve compiled a little list of our favourite Alex Williamson videos from his wildly popular YouTube channel – shooterwilliamson
When you run out of drugs
An absolute gold drug riddled parody of those emotional death scenes in films – only instead of death they’re coming down off a selection of party drugs. A guest appearance by another Forte favourite Frenchy makes this one to watch.
Aussie Bogan & Sacha Baron Cohen
Alex throughout his career has had the chance to interview several well known actors and performers but his interview with comedy legend Sacha Baron Cohen is a a real standout and worth looking at.
Worst Thing in Australia
If you’re familiar with Alex’s YouTube content this one is an absolute fan favourite, featuring some really great cameos from some of Australia’s most well known comics. It’s the promo for the Cow Downie Fair!
My Slow Mate
A brilliant skit featuring the hilarious Stephen K Amos as a guest appearance, based around two friends, one of which isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
Cow Downie Centenary!
Cow Downie Fair is back for its Centenary celebration – come for the tumbleweed demonstration, stay for the window licking! some great Aussie comic and musician cameos present in this one.
If Pokemon were real
A dark and yet funny look into what the world would be like if Pokemon were real, total gold.
Loosest Aussie Bloke Ever
We couldn’t do a list of Alex’s funniest work without including the video that built his fan base! a YouTube classic.
Catch Alex Williamson’s So Wrong, It’s Wrong at Horsham Theatre on Friday February 8 & Mount Gambier’s Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre on Saturday February 9.