Áine Tyrrell

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Áine Tyrrell

While some of us may look to an hour-plus bus trip with groans and eye rolls, Áine is excited for her unusual take on the classic Australian road trip. Packed into an old white bus with only the basic necessities, and funded through a crowdfunding campaign, Áine plans to travel Australia whilst recording her debut album. Yes, you heard correctly. She plans to record her album ON THE BUS!
“The plan for the bus has been quite sudden in response to one of life’s curveballs. I needed a more sustainable option for housing for my little ones and a bus was just the affordable adventure our little hearts needed,” Áine says. “I threw the idea of recording on the bus into the mix and it just grew little legs of its own – and here we are. Now I can’t wait for the adventure.”
The decision to record on a bus wasn’t tricky enough for Áine, as she also decided to get there via a crowdfunding campaign with the hope to raise $15,000 for the full recording process. For those who get on board, they can join Áine in a number of unique rewards, including a surfing trip together, teaching/learning how to play the tin whistle, drinking green smoothies, and a handful of others.
“Crowdfunding is a very powerful idea for any art form, but amazing for independent musicians. I decided crowdfunding was really a fit for me when audiences started asking for a CD,” she says. “For me, music is all about that connection when you are playing live. It’s a real privilege to be able to play for people and them somehow connect with what you are saying enough to want to take that home with them.”
These ideas may sound quite unusual to most of us but they are just the norm for free-spirited Áine. She refers to herself as a bit of a gypsy, lives by the beach and is constantly finding inspiration whilst amidst nature surfing. “I am that crazy girl who has to paddle away from the pack, banging a rhythm on her surfboard ’cause I don’t want to lose that little bit of magic,” she says.
It’s of no surprise then that Áine has opted for a place to record away from the confines of the typical studio room.
“Recording in a stuffy studio is definitely not me. Finding somewhere I am completely comfortable enough to find some magic, that is me,” she says.
And when it comes to what will be recorded, it’s hard to know exactly what to expect. But with an Irish heritage, a traditional singer as a father, and a handful of collaborating musicians, we’re guessing it’s going to be pretty amazing regardless of where it’s recorded.
“I’m sure we can’t go wrong. We’ve got a guitar, a bus, a microphone, and this amazing country to explore,” Áine says.
If you’d like to donate to Áine’s adventure, visit pozi.be/ainetyrrell?ra=113379 before August 10 to get involved.
When&Where: Martians Café, Deans Marsh – August 9
Written by Amanda Sherring, Photo by Anna Lord
