A Scotsman Walks…

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A Scotsman Walks…

One Mr Billy Connolly is set to bring his funny stuff to Australia early next year, and his history with us is a long one. He first toured our shores over 35 years ago, while his World Tour of Australia series is a touch under 20 years old. There is also The Man Who Sued God, the 2001 Australian film where he co-starred with Judy Davis. Connolly recently appeared on the British genealogy documentary series Who Do You Think You Are? where his Indian ancestry was revealed. Beginning his journey in his place of birth, Glasgow, Billy travelled 6000 miles to Southern India, following in the footsteps of his great, great grandfather Daniel Doyle at the time of the Great Rebellion of 1857. Of the experience, he said: “I’m 71, so I’m a lot closer to death than I am to birth, so I’d like to know where I come from. I’d like my children to know where I come from. I know so pitifully little.” Enough of that, however, as this is about his funny business. With the absence of a swear-filter, Connolly has been delighting audiences for years and years. Observational and idiosyncratic, his way of comedy brings warmth to any topic. Think of him as a big hug. Deakin’s Costa Hall, Geelong – January 27.