Best album of 2015: Glitterbug – The Wombats
Best film of 2015: Please don’t make me choose between Love &
Mercy and Trainwreck.
Most memorable dish you ate: Anything someone took the time and effort to make me.
Something new you tried: Not saying the first thing that pops into my head, and trying not to be a fan girl when I meet a musician I like – so both answers are the essentially the same thing said differently.
Tool of the year (celebrity/politician etc): Tough question, can it be tool(s)? If so, anyone involved in the Paris attacks.
Defining moment of 2015: Watching the footage of a French man explain the aforementioned attacks to his 3-year-old son.
Best live gig: I wasn’t in the audience, but from my lounge room Hermitude’s performance at the ARIAs was pretty mind blowing. Having said that, I fulfilled a long-held ambition when I was part of the crowd at the Alice Cooper/ Motley Crue double-header.
2015 has been…my last year as a single lady.