11 Years of Heaven

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11 Years of Heaven

So, The Karova is turning 11. They’re pretty excited about it, as we are too. We love us a good birthday at Forte. Hell, we love us a bad one. But it’s not about us. It is about the wonderful Ballarat venue that continues to open its doors to music of all types. There are two big, big days come your way this month – July 17 and July 18. July 17 welcomes The Babe Rainbow (pictured), Them 9’s, White Bleaches, Robot Fox, Desert Mules and Chips Calipso among others, while July 18 welcomes The Smith Street Band, Horris Green and Gangz among others. There will probably be all sorts of celebratory-type behaviour happening as well. You may even find the love of your life … or at the very least a good beer or two.