Prehistoric Sounds has a new home

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Prehistoric Sounds has a new home

Much loved provider of old and new vinyl goodies, Prehistoric Sounds, has finally found a home at 99 Kepler Street, Warrnambool. This year the business sees its tenth birthday, for a decade now they’ve been sourcing new and vintage records, from huge artists to niche acts.

Owner Shane Godfrey started out slingin’ a small selection of preloved records online and in an antique market in Warrnambool, eventually expanding to the Mill Markets and Geelong and getting among some record fairs around south-eastern Australia. These days Prehistoric Sounds has suppliers in Australia, Europe, US and Japan, and if you want something they don’t carry they’ll try and find it.

Thanks for ten years of groovy wax and counting, happy birthday, and congrats on the new home!

Written by Liam McNally