SIA: Everyday Is Christmas

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SIA: Everyday Is Christmas

Everyday is Christmas is the first Christmas album from Australian pop icon Sia.

This album steps away from standard carols and Christmas songs, and presents a number of unique and fun songs in typical Sia style. Each song heavily features Sia’s outstanding vocals, supported by pop beats that make for a much-needed change in Christmas listening.

With songs ranging from the ballad like Snowman, a song about a melting snowman lover – perhaps finally a song that actually fits with the ever-warm Australian Christmas, to the bouncy and upbeat track that is Santa’s Coming for Us, there is plenty on this album for all.

Everyday Is Christmas is the perfect Christmas album for when covers of the same song and the same artists grow tiresome, and for when the mood strikes for something a little different; the albums sound is almost entirely separate from most other sounds populating the Christmas atmosphere, but still manages to capture the Christmas spirit.

Everyday is Christmas comes from the same team that has collaborated on Sia’s last three albums, and captures everything audiences have come to expect from Sia over recent years. It is a refreshing break from the regular monotony of Christmas music.

Reviewed by Perri Digby